The terms and conditions that follow indicate access and use of Please read carefully. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, please do not register on the Site or use it. Please note that in order to use any of the services provided by the Site or to request any threat, your registration as an authorized user of the Site is required, such registration constitutes your full and unconditional acceptance and agreement on the part of the presents Terms and Conditions.

You agree to use the Site in accordance with applicable laws and the provisions of these Terms and Conditions. Committing in particular to refrain from:

(a) use the Site for purposes or effects contrary to the law and the provisions of these Terms and Conditions; (b) copy, disseminate, modify, reproduce, distribute or use the Site in any way for profit, except with the express written permission of Anthea Floral Design. modify or manipulate the trademarks, logos, commercial notices, trade names and distinctive signs in general that form part of the Site, the foregoing regardless of who is the owner of the rights over them, except that it is authorized by Anthea Floral Design’s writing to partially or totally delete or modify the Site, as well as the technical protection devices, or any mechanism or procedure established on the Site, (e) any act or attempt to extract information through the Site, materials or codes not arranged for use as part of the Site, any act or attempt to introduce, without the corresponding authorization, information, materials or codes outside the Site, as well as third-party computer systems.

The information, concepts and opinions published on said site do not necessarily reflect the position of Anthea Floral Design is not responsible for any of the information, opinions and concepts that are issued on the referred web page. In this case, the user is recommended to consult with a specialist and / or professional in the field. Likewise, Anthea Floral Design is not responsible for the information contained on the Internet page, including the sub-pages, with the understanding that its use and monitoring is at the user’s risk and responsibility..


Anthea Floral Design may update these Terms and Conditions at any time and any changes will be notified to you through the appropriate announcement on the Site. If you do not wish to accept the new Terms and Conditions, you should no longer use the Site. If you continue to use the Site after the date the change takes effect, your use of the Site indicates your agreement to be bound by the new Terms and Conditions.

Anthea Floral Design reserves the right, in its sole discretion, and without the need for notice or notification to the user, to discontinue or definitively stop publishing the website under any responsibility for Anthea Floral Design, its affiliates or suppliers.

Username, Password and Security

Any user will be able to register as a legal entity or natural person and will be asked to create a username and password. You must (hereinafter “the user”) keep your username and password confidential and not reveal them to anyone or share them with anyone. You will be responsible for all activities and requests that occur or are presented under your username and password. If you know or suspect that someone else knows your username and password, you must notify Anthea Floral Design immediately. using the contact details on the “Contact us” page of the Site.

If Anthea Floral Design has reason to believe that a security breach is likely, you may require that you change your username and password.

Intellectual Property

The Site, its logos and all the material that appears on said site are trademarks, domain names, trade names and artistic works owned by their respective owners and are protected by international treaties and applicable laws on intellectual property and rights. , in favor of Anthea Floral Design, You may not reproduce, modify, copy, distribute, license, publish, upload, send or disclose without the prior written authorization of Anthea Floral Design, any text, video, software program, product , service or any other service or product contained on the Site.

In the event that any user or third party considers that any of the content found or entered on said site and / or any of its services, violates their intellectual property rights, they must send a notification to the following address in which they indicate: i) true personal data (name, address, telephone number and email address of the complainant); ii) autograph signature with the personal data of the owner of the intellectual property rights; iii) precise and complete indication of the content (s) protected by the intellectual property rights allegedly infringed, as well as the location of said violations on the referred website; iv) express and clear declaration that the introduction of the indicated content (s) has been made without the consent of the owner of the intellectual property rights allegedly infringed; v) express, clear statement and under the responsibility of the claimant that the information provided in the notification is accurate and that the introduction of the content (s) constitutes a violation of said rights.

Personal or confidential information

You expressly authorize Anthea Floral Design to use, process, manage and investigate for the purposes for which it was provided, all information (including personal or confidential information) through the Site.

You agree to provide Personal Information in a true and trustworthy manner, this being understood as all kinds of information regarding your person, address, sex, age, occupation, credit card identification numbers, etc. In case you provide incomplete, false, contradictory or confusing information, Anthea Floral Design. reserves the right to deny you access and use of the Site..

Anthea Floral Design., Will not share Personal Information with third parties, unless this is required by the competent judicial or administrative authority, or is necessary to provide a service or product required by you.

Third Party Websites

The user acknowledges that Anthea Floral Design does not previously control or censor the content available on the Internet page. For this reason, Anthea Floral Design does not assume any responsibility for the content provided to said page by independent or non-Anthea Floral Design providers and does not have editorial control over the content, information and / or material generated and / or provided by third parties. . All opinions, advice, statements, services, offers or other information or content expressed or made available to the public by third parties, belong to their respective author and Floreria Detalles y Caprichos does not assume any responsibility for this.

Product Information

The descriptions of the products displayed on the Site are made based on the information provided by the suppliers of Anthea Floral Design. However, the information given about each product, as well as the photographs or videos related to them and the trade names, brands or distinctive signs of any kind contained in the Anthea Floral Design Site, are exposed in to orientation mode.


All the prices of the products indicated through the Website include the tax and other taxes that may correspond to them. However, these prices do not include the expenses corresponding to the shipment of the products, which will be detailed separately in each order and must be accepted and paid, prior to shipment, directly and exclusively by the User.


To make use of the services of Anthea Floral Design in relation to requesting, acquiring or booking the services and products offered on the Site (hereinafter “transactions”), the user must accept, in addition to these Terms and Conditions, the conditions contractual applicable in the relevant case, especially the forms of payment and the shipment of merchandise.

Payment Methods

Payment will be made through the paypal payment platform which accepts credit card (Visa, Master Card) payment directly in stores, which the user can do in the checkout process, where they can also verify the amount to pay (you do not need capture it) and products, and confirm your Payment.

Payment policies

Anthea Floral Design will send you confirmation of your purchase via email. Or call us at: + 1786-4032568

Anthea Floral Design reserves the right to request official documents from its clients, as a means of validation of the product acquisition process through the Site.

The order number assigned when making the transaction on the Site does not imply acceptance of the transaction. In case you have any problem with your order, it will be communicated to you by email or telephone.


All products offered on the Site are subject to stock and availability, so the delivery time may vary with prior notice from us, or you may even proceed to cancel the order and refund your charges if applicable.

If the delivery time offered is not to your satisfaction, you can request the cancellation of the order, which could generate a fine for said cancellation.

The prices published on the Site are exclusive to this channel and may change without prior notice.

If for any reason, the price is in $ 0.00 or $ 0.01, please call +1 786-4032568 or send an email to For no reason, it will be understood that these are priceless or given away and Orders placed under this situation will be canceled without prior notice.


If you have any questions or wish to cancel a purchase that you have not yet received, please call +1 786-4032568 We are also available at our email:

Any cancellation will first be validated by our internal team, the material already used and the time invested to make the partial refund of the total of your purchase will be considered. In the event that any mistake has been made by the Anthea Floral Design team in wrong cards, wrong shipments or any problem of this nature, a written apology will be requested and a courtesy will be sent to the customer for the same or lesser price of the product. purchased, but no refund of the purchase will be made.

Site Availability

Anthea Floral Design. claims to provide you with the best possible service, makes no promise that the services on the Site will meet your needs, Anthea Floral Design cannot guarantee that the Site is fault-free. If a failure occurs on the Site, you must notify Anthea Floral Design using the contact details on the “Contact Us” page of the Site. Anthea Floral Design will attempt to correct the fault as soon as reasonably possible.

In case of a computer attack, virus, error, defect or any damage to the equipment when using our platform Anthea Floral Design is not responsible for the misuse of the page or equipment.


These Terms and Conditions will have an indefinite validity, and will come into effect as of their publication on the Site.


Delivery Policy

Anthea Floral Design is not responsible for the non-delivery of the product if the person was not at the place, or if the address was incorrect and it was not possible to speak with the customer to obtain additional directions. In which cases the arrangement will be returned to our premises and a new delivery will be coordinated at an additional cost or the client may directly pick up at our premises.

    An attempt will first be made to contact the customer at the contact number left in the order detail. If no response is obtained, an attempt will be made to contact the number of the person receiving the request. A minimum of 3 calls will be made within a period of 10 minutes, if contact is not achieved, the delivery person will take a photo of the place and a screenshot of the calls made so that there is a record of the performance of the service.

If no response is obtained from the client to rectify the address, the order will not be dispatched or will be returned to our premises.

No refund of the amount paid will be made if the order did not go to dispatch or was returned, due to errors in the address, and the client did not respond on time. The options will be to coordinate a new office or make the withdrawal at our premises.

If once the courier arrives at the destination address, the client provides a new address, it will be considered as a new dispatch and will have an additional cost, unless the new address is less than a kilometer away.

If the customer changes the delivery address once the purchase has been made, there could be an additional charge depending on the distance.

For deliveries in hospitals and hotels, in many cases they do not allow us to take the order to the room. In such cases, the delivery person will leave the order at the reception and the photo will be taken as proof of the service performed.

Dispatch within the requested range of hours is guaranteed only if the purchase order is made at least 4 hours in advance.

We do our best to deliver at a convenient time for the customer, but we do not promise to deliver at an exact time. The official times for deliveries are the ranges provided by the page at the time of purchase.

We do not carry out the dispatch service without previously confirming the payment of the order. (When the payment is confirmed, you will receive a payment confirmation email.)

Our company does not assume responsibility for non-delivery or loss if there was no one in the place to receive the product and it is left with a neighbor or concierge, if the client or recipient authorizes it or explicitly requests it in the instructions of the purchase.

Our company does not assume responsibility if, when delivering to a Hotel or Hospital, they do not allow us to take the order to the room and the staff of the place does not deliver the products to the correct room.

Our company does not provide information about the sender of a delivery.


We do not store credit or debit card information on our systems. 

We do not accept that you give us your credit card information by email or text. Purchases with credit cards must be made directly by the customer via PayPal or any other means of payment active in our store.

All published prices include tax.

If you will make or made the payment with electronic transfer, we ask you to confirm receipt of payment by any of our (email, telephone or chat)

In case some type of return is agreed (either total or partial), it might take up to 7 business days for a return total to show up in bank statements.

About our products

We make flower arrangements as shown in the photographs, but since flowers are natural products affected by; seasons, climate changes, import problems and others, sometimes we replace one color or flower with another without affecting the general design of the arrangement.

In such cases, an attempt will be made to contact the client, making no less than 3 calls and an email informing him and offering him alternatives for the change or modification of his order.

If it is not possible to make contact and the delivery time of the order arrives, changes will be made to the arrangement at the discretion of the florist and the order will be sent out for delivery in order to not delay the delivery time, notifying the client via mail.

In the case of stuffed animals, chocolates and other accessories, the photos are for reference, and due to lack of stock you could receive a similar product, always respecting size, weight and/or occasion as appropriate.

For such requests you must contact our company

The product to be returned must be returned as it was received. As a reference, the photo of the delivery will be used.


Creation June 12, 2020